The Raycing Line Podcast

Announcing a NEW Raycing Community venture!!

I am proud to announce the launch of…..”The Raycing Line”

I’ve always said our leagues are more of a community that just another league, and this will help take that community to the next level.

This will be a podcast that will connect friends, sim racers, and the real world racers like no other podcast.

We will review races from the previous week, preview the week to come, talk about special events and sim racing in general, then top it off with real world/sim racing connections.

The format will be a roundtable discussion among friends with yours truly, with Adam Thompson of Slow Motion Broadcasting, and Jason Greene, one of the great Weekend Warriors admin and coaches.

The 4th person on the panel will be a revolving door of guests we will call “The 4th Seat”. You will see different guests every week. Look for league members, broadcasters and track announcers, real world racers who also sim race, and ??? You never know who will be in the 4th Seat!!!

We are not professional podcasters in any way, so we will be learning, evolving and improving as we go along, and invite you and all our friends to join in and share the adventure.

We will be looking for audience involvement via the chat and any feedback will be welcome.

Enjoy a short intro video:

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